I'm grateful to all the Bartonians who've been in touch to point out the potholes, deathtrap pavements and grass verges worn bare by constant use for car parking.
Some of the places now most in need of attention are those that have fewest people walk on them and so have never risen to the top of the priority list: Saxon Close, Orchard Close, Arnold Close, etc. As long-time residents of Arnold Close pointed out to me, that close has been never been resurfaced in all its 56 year life.
Many residents of these closes are now approaching their 80s, with perhaps failing eyesight or knee, hip or other mobility issues. It's important they keep moving; their confidence to do so is directly influenced by how even and well maintained the pavements and roads are.
For those who can only get about on mobility scooters, the situation is no better. Pavements buckled by tree roots and shingle from drives add to their list of potential hazards that might tip them over.
This matter should be of concern to us all, because our community is a better place when we can move about safely. Those of us with shingle drives can sweep our exits regularly to keep them gravel free, but the rest is down to us residents to keep Central Beds and Barton's councillor informed about the state of the roads and pavements and ensure the repairs are properly prioritised for repair.
Some of the damage is caused when residents have building work carried out that involves deliveries of laden lorries. The damage may be unavoidable, but should be promptly repaired. For safety's sake and that of good community relations.
To report a road or pavement in need of repair to CBC, you can:
a. go online at www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/highways or
b. email them at highways@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk or
c. call them on tel: 0300 300 8049 or
d. use their app www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/mobileapp
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