Thursday, 23 April 2015

Time to tackle the tots' park at Franklin Avenue

Everyone's agreed that the fencing off of the former young children's playground at Franklin Avenue, behind the Co-op, is one of the biggest acts of corporate vandalism and waste in our village.

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Janet with Lib Dem candidate MP Linda Jack at Franklin Ave
Longer term residents remember fondly the pleasure that our little ones found there, playing on the brightly coloured slide and bouncy animals – facilities that appealed specifically to tots, before they grew to demand the bigger swings and equipment of the park at Norman Road.

Local residents and child carers from the wider village all have views on what should happen to the land, from keeping the grass well tended to putting benches there and of course reinstating the tots' park, but all agree that removing the fence is a priority.

It's a crying shame that this eyesore has been allowed to persist for so long. We need someone to bring all interested parties together to discuss what people want, who holds what funding (tenants there pay the company that own their houses for the upkeep of the surrounding lawns and of course Central Beds and the Parish Council tax every household here) and agree what can be done to satisfy public interest and need.

If elected as Barton ward councillor to Central Beds Council on 7 May, I would pledge to be that catalyst for action. This site has festered for long enough.

Let me have your views please, tel: 882799 or email 
Many thanks,
Janet Nunn
113 Manor Road, Barton-le-Clay MK45 4NS 

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