Thursday, 23 April 2015

Time to tackle the tots' park at Franklin Avenue

Everyone's agreed that the fencing off of the former young children's playground at Franklin Avenue, behind the Co-op, is one of the biggest acts of corporate vandalism and waste in our village.

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Janet with Lib Dem candidate MP Linda Jack at Franklin Ave
Longer term residents remember fondly the pleasure that our little ones found there, playing on the brightly coloured slide and bouncy animals – facilities that appealed specifically to tots, before they grew to demand the bigger swings and equipment of the park at Norman Road.

Local residents and child carers from the wider village all have views on what should happen to the land, from keeping the grass well tended to putting benches there and of course reinstating the tots' park, but all agree that removing the fence is a priority.

It's a crying shame that this eyesore has been allowed to persist for so long. We need someone to bring all interested parties together to discuss what people want, who holds what funding (tenants there pay the company that own their houses for the upkeep of the surrounding lawns and of course Central Beds and the Parish Council tax every household here) and agree what can be done to satisfy public interest and need.

If elected as Barton ward councillor to Central Beds Council on 7 May, I would pledge to be that catalyst for action. This site has festered for long enough.

Let me have your views please, tel: 882799 or email 
Many thanks,
Janet Nunn
113 Manor Road, Barton-le-Clay MK45 4NS 

Thursday, 16 April 2015

ELECTION SPECIAL - Barton-le-Clay Focus

Janet Nunn for Central Beds Councillor on 7th May

The latest edition of Focus, produced by the Lib Dem Focus Team in Barton-le-Clay, is now available to download.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Threat to Barton from UKIP family

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Lib Dem PPC Linda Jack on hustings panel (4th from left)

Barton-le-Clay is threatened with massive new development on the Green Belt if a local UKIP candidate MP's sister-in-law gets her way.

Tim Smyth, husband of north-east Beds UKIP candidate MP Adrianne Smyth, let slip last night that his sister plans to build a whole new village on the north-east edge of Barton. He and his wife were talking to me after the first hustings for Bedfordshire parliamentary candidates yesterday.

I'd asked Adrianne Smyth to clarify a remark she'd made earlier. She had said that, if elected, UKIP would “take villages out of over-washed Green Belt status”. She confirmed her intention was to keep Green Belt around villages, but to allow building and extensions within villages themselves once their Green Belt status was removed.

But then her husband pointed out that Bedfordshire was “rather better” at this than Hertfordshire and as Lib Dem candidate MP Linda Jack joined our group, Mr Smyth announced his sister's building plans with (momentary hesitation and clicking of fingers while he searched for the name) 'Kilroy'.

The hustings, hosted by the Country Landowners' Association (CLA) at Shuttleworth manor house early yesterday evening, were well attended by CLA members.

The next hustings will be in Shefford at the St. Michael & All Angels Parish Church hall, Shefford, SG17 5DD from 7.30pm on Thursday 16 April. All are welcome to attend to question MP candidates on their views and local issues.

What do you think? Please email me at or call 01582 882799
Janet Nunn - Lib Dem candidate for Central Beds Council 2015

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Barton-le-Clay youth short-changed by Central Beds Council

We Bartonians all pay our Council tax, but unlike other villages of similar size, or smaller, we have nowhere for our young teenagers to meet friends without being moved on.

The old Youth Hut in Sharpenhoe Road was beyond repair, and too close to the busy junction with Bedford Road to be safe in view of how the traffic flow has increased over the years. But on selling the plot for re-development, Central Beds pocketed the money.

Does this matter? I think so. Clubs run by adults, organised around an activity, are all very well but they don't appeal to every young person or even every aspect of each young person. The girl or boy who joins the dramatic society or scouts may also want to hang out with others of their own age to talk about things that interest them, make friends and try on their new and emerging identities without risk of being overheard or censored by adults. Without this, young people can only meet in places that risk disturbing neighbouring houses such as the Franklin Drive playground that the Parish Council then closed;or online, which doesn't develop all their interpersonal skills.

CBC need to be made to fulfil their moral obligation and provide some facility, whether a youth centre or an outdoor BMX-skatepark with seating, to enable our young people to socialise. If elected, I will engage with Central Beds Council and our Parish Council, and work to provide a facility that our young people want.

What do you think? Please reply to this post or email me personally on Thanks.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Housing needs vs myths

After the election, the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) will launch a campaign to de-bunk the myths it claims have grown up around housing. This was revealed on 25 March by Shaun Spiers, chief executive of the CPRE at a public meeting at Cardinal Newman School Luton.

The myths, say CPRE, is that we need lots of houses yet for over 20 years the UK has been building homes at a greater rate than our population growth. CPRE insist this effect has not been perceived because of such things as the rise in second home ownership (not so much an issue around here as in the Cotswolds and south-west England, I expect).

CPRE is accused by some as “not taking an holistic view”. Councils have a duty to co-operate with London on providing housing needs: it stretches to neighbouring councils of those neighbouring London, so Bedfordshire is affected. If you Google the 'Bedford 51' letter, you'll see it sets a backdrop for the working relationship between Boris's GLA and other councils on housing.

The important thing is for us not to demonise sofa surfers or young people under 30 still living with Mum and Dad. And for us semi-rural types to welcome the town and city dwellers who aspire to move to semi-rural locations to bring up a family while commuting to work in London or other towns and cities. (I know that's what my husband and I did for seven years before we switched, me to a job in Bedford and Chris to being self-employed.)

It shouldn't stop us scrutinising what CBC is doing, or fighting hard to keep our green spaces and Green Belt gems, but I hope this wider understanding will help us achieve a balanced tone. At the meeting, someone remarked how brownfield development has made London a better place to live and work in, so concluded “this can happen in Bedfordshire too”. But can it? How much previously built on land in need of re-development is owned by the public sector and how much by the private sector? And is the cost in time and money of compulsory purchase prohibitive? Is there a will to find the way to do it?

Or will the eight national house-building companies continue to insist on controlled release of new homes for sale, to ensure prices remain buoyant, so undermining the public sector's ambitions?

I urged CPRE to relaunch their inter-active website tool from 2014 whereby people could send in photos and descriptions of places near where they lived that were abandoned and ripe for re-development. These varied in size from small plots in Hitchin and Shefford to multi-acre sites within Vauxhall's complex in Luton. Of course, ideally local councils would do this as part of their work to engage with their residents, but there were no Tory members of CBC to hear that or indeed any other suggestion.

What is your view or experience? Please let Janet Nunn know by comment on this blog, by email to or by writing to 113 Manor Road, Barton-le-Clay, Bedford MK45 4NS