Monday, 16 February 2015

Prioritising mental health at last

The NHS and its budget are matters for national debate and settlement, yet many of us deal with the NHS only locally: the GP and maybe the local hospital or physiotherapy centre.

While most ailments are satisfactorily taken care of by local NHS services at their pace, sometimes there is a greater urgency and need to harness the support of all available resources. For mental health, this should include family and carers, but it's not always observed in practice.

A tragic example of such a failure came as a result of the suicide of former Harlington Upper School student Lizzie Barnes, aged 20, in December 2012. At her inquest, local mental healthcare body SEPT admitted to failings in the care of Lizzie and produced an action plan with six recommendations to put into place. These included that “communication with carers needs significant improvement”*. Sadly, this lesson chimes with the experience of other families.

I wholeheartedly support the work of Health Minister Norman Lamb MP to destigmatise mental health and place it on the same footing as physical health in the NHS. Local delivery is right, but so too is national standard setting and oversight. Some lessons ought not to be learned the hard way.

If you're interested in joining our local GPs' Patient Participation Group, post a Bargoose Contact Form in their Suggestions Box. Copies may also be downloaded from their website:


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